journey to wholeness

Are you distracted from attending to your life? Have you lost your good rhythms and lost sight of where you’re going in life? Do you feel stuck and don’t know how to move forward? The life you long for is not far away! We know what it’s like to be stuck in who you don’t want to be, bad thinking, character flaws, etc. But at some point, we’ve overcome them and we know how to over come them again. Here’s how you can do the same:

  1. Listen to our weekly podcasts here.

  2. Take time to answer the weekly questions and utilize our growth tool. (Bonus: do this with your friends!)

  3. Start taking back your life, one week at a time.



Discipline is the capacity to do what’s in your power for what’s necessary on the journey from who you are right now to who you want to be.

If you could get 1% better today, would you do it?



Building your relationship with God is like learning a second language. You have to work at it and always keep trying.

What is one area of your walk with God you’re growing?



Even though Jesus was perfect, he had to grow and learn. Just like going to the gym builds your muscles, spiritual exercise builds character.

What practices do you want to build in your life?

**We do not have a download this week because of Tribe Homes**



Character is who you are when nobody is looking. Every choice we make is an opportunity to turn us into something different than we were before.

How is the character of Christ being formed in you today?

**We do not have a download this week because of Tribe Homes**



Authenticity is not choosing the thing that you would like best to be, it is wrestling and embracing who you actually are. It’s allowing God to cover you.

How can you become your truest self?



Our relationships are only as strong as we are individually, but we can only see our true selves when we’re in relationships.

How can you be your truest self in relationships?